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Let's Get Together

Hello Scrappers!

I hope you and your families are well.  Well, Scrappers we are having a virtual meeting via ZOOM on Saturday, July 18, 2020, at 11:00 a.m. CST.

  1. I am speaking on behalf of Tunya Phillips-Brownlee who is encouraging all of us who can join the meeting on Saturday to please do so.  We will have the opportunity to catch up with each other.  We will have the opportunity to see each other and share with each other via Zoom.

  2. PLEASE RSVP to this text by Friday, July 17, 2020, if you will, to state if you will be joining the meeting on Saturday, July 18th.

  3. If you have any issues joining the meeting please call me (901) 378-0286 or Tunya at (901) 237-2196.

  4. Here is the link: Meeting ID: 717 4486 5098 Passcode: 2sXxMU

  5. You will need to download the app and you can delete it after the meeting if you do not want to keep it. The meeting is at 11 a.m.(CST)

  6. You may connect around 10:50, so we will have time before meeting to greet each other. Looking Forward to Seeing You!!!

Stay Safe!!! Vivian Ray Donelson


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