Adonna Neal...Rest well my friend 😥❤We lost another one yall! We must keep making memories...praying for the family and loved ones.
Adonna The Adorner
By Christopher Prediction Ambrose
Adonna the Adorner
Lived Your Truth like Sojourner
From The Happiest Memories
To The Saddest Mourner
Both Feelings Appropriate
When Reflecting on Adonna
The Presence of Light
Shining through An Infectious Smile
Just Wanted Everyone to Have Fun
No Negative Vibes Around
Adorner The Webster’s Definition
To Make Better Bring Beauty to Perspective
This Holds True
She Stuck to Her Community like Glue
The Adhesive Agenda of Bringing
A Closer Bond to Classmates
Remaining Tight
If She Had Your Back
It was for real
Never Scared to Fight
Dying is Bittersweet
When It’s So Much living to Do
Unfortunate Circumstances
Taking the Best of Us
Us Remembering The Best Moments
Of You
The Happiest Occasions
The Saddest Mourners
Remember Her Truth Like Sojourner
The Light that Lifted Our Spirits
The Gifted Charisma
Known as Adonna
The Adorner - R.I.P.